"10 Innovative Workplace Wellness Tips: Unlocking Happiness at Work"

Corporate Wellness

Amrita Hiremath

6/2/20233 min read

When a company decides to consider a wellness program for its employees, the wellness team in charge has to take into account the variables in the demographics of the employees, clear goals and objectives of the program, and most importantly the culture of the company. Diversified approaches are the best as they increase the number of participants sailing through different stages of life both personally and professionally.

To Explain better with examples, it is important to consider organizing a session for expecting mothers on Lactation/Breastfeeding so that new mothers are prepared for the challenges faced during their breastfeeding journey. At the same time, it is also important to educate the youth of the organization on the prevention of lifestyle diseases like Hypertension, cardiac arrest, and more as most of these conditions have become more prevalent among young adults in our country in recent years.

This is how a wellness program should be able to benefit every Employee belonging to different age groups or gender or even employees holding a common interest in a certain subject matter.

The following ideas can be implemented to suit the culture of your company and organize programs that are fun, informative, and engaging, and enable employees to self-manage their health and achieve their wellness goals.

Here are 10 Ideas to Transform Your Team's Health, LET'S GO!

  1. Hold a Wellness Month Event and have a "Tip of the Week" posted on stairwells, Cafeteria, and lounge areas.

  2. Develop educational materials: Create comprehensive and easy-to-understand educational materials that provide information on various minor health conditions. These materials should cover symptoms, prevention strategies, self-care techniques, and available resources for further support.

  3. Offer workshops and seminars: Invite healthcare professionals, nutritionists, or wellness experts to share their expertise and provide practical tips. Encourage participants to ask questions and engage in discussions. For example, you could initiate lunchtime yoga or stretching sessions, provide healthy snack options, organize walking groups, or hold educational sessions that teach for example the signs of a stroke and what to do in an emergency situation. These initiatives can promote physical activity and stress reduction, which are beneficial for managing minor health issues.

  4. Men's Health: As per a survey conducted in 2021, 46% of Indian men are unhealthy or suffer from some or other illnesses including diabetes and heart problems. It is important to hold informative sessions on men's health issues that are commonly present in India such as heart diseases, and cancer like colorectal and prostate cancer. metabolic disorders like diabetes, it is crucial to educate the employees on the importance of screening and early detection.

  5. Women's Health: Hold women's health issues informative sessions on breast self-exam, ovarian cancer education, pap smear tests, cardiovascular disease, and stress management.

  6. Fertility Awareness Program for Women: Arrange a Natural Family Planning Awareness Program For Women. The session should include a guide to identifying the signs and symptoms of fertility during the menstrual cycle so that one can plan or avoid pregnancy.

  7. Sleep Health: Invite an expert in sleep management to talk about Fatigue, sleep disorders, and how to improve sleep.

  8. Nutrition: Arrange a Monthly Lunch and Learn Session with a nutritionist on the importance of nutrition in the prevention of lifestyle diseases.

  9. Occupational therapy: Have an Occupational Therapist conduct sessions on important topics like " Strategies to schedule tasks and maximize productivity", and " What are Burnouts and strategies to avoid the same".

  10. Employee Interest Surveys: Conduct surveys prior to organizing wellness events in order to understand if the employees are interested in a particular topic or if they have any suggestions of their own.

In conclusion, corporate wellness programs play a vital role in promoting the health and well-being of employees within organizations. By addressing various aspects of wellness and providing resources and support, these programs create a culture of well-being, enhance productivity, and contribute to the overall success of the organization.